Apple has announced that they have a new hi res laptop coming out soon. As mention it will be hi resolution with a smarter siri and new FaceTime video chatting. This will most definitely be one to watch as time gets closer to it's release. The laptop will be a newer advanced version of the Macbook. The resolution will be so high that it will contain 5 million pixels, that's just unreal. The laptop will be measured at 15.5 inches across and contains an Intel quad-core
i7 processor. It will feature up to 16GB of memory and up to 768GB of
internal flash storage. Here is a clip containing the new laptop and information that it will contain.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Samsung Galaxy Note
The Galaxy Note is a new product that has been placed on the market and it has been getting a lot of attention lately especially with business people. It is a cross between the Galaxy tablet and a cell phone. This is a major break through because there is a lot more you can do with it than just a regular smart phone.
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